Field Hockey (Girls)
Girls Field Hockey
Coaching Information
Head Coach: Email Gen Wall
Assistant Coach: Email Julianne Cacace
Summer Practice Schedule
All practices will run from 8:00 am - 10:30 am on the lower field.
Tuesday 7/9
Thursday 7/11
Tuesday 7/16
Thursday 7/18
Tuesday 7/23
Thursday 7/25
Tuesday 8/13
Thursday 8/15
The season begins on Monday, August 19. Practices will be Mondays-Saturdays beginning on that date from 8:00 am - 10:30 am on the lower field until school begins.
Athletes must turn in their medical clearance paperwork to the nurse before practicing.
Please do not hesitate to reach out please Email Gen Wall with any questions.
Follow Us
Join our remind group for updates on information and practice sessions by sending a text to this number 81010 with the message @pctvsf
Players should also join the Google classroom using the code: n65h34k
For season schedules, visit rSchool Today or sign up for notifications.