Bowling (Boys & Girls)
Coaching Information
Head Coach: Michael Pettineo
Assistant Coach: Mackenzie Porch
There will be a preseason meeting on Monday 11/4 @ 7 PM via WebEX. Click the link to join.
Tryouts will be held on two days: Monday 11/25 and Tuesday 11/26. Both tryouts will be held at Bowlero in Fair Lawn immediately after school.
The bus for bowling will always be located near the football field concession stand prior to heading to the lanes.
All required medical forms/ physical paperwork can be found on our website.
Make sure all the required medical paperwork is handed in to the Nurse's office as soon as possible.
If you participated in a fall sport, you must still hand in the updated paperwork to the nurse.
If you are not on the nurses' approved physical list, you cannot try out.
For season schedules, visit rSchool Today or sign up for notifications.